Tuesday 21 January 2014

BBC Newcastle Trip.

Our recent trip to BBC Newcastle was a good experience. We had an insight into the making of TV and Radio. After being given a brief history lesson of the 'Pink Palace', we were guided into a small box room where they pre-record the weather and traffic updates. We were also shown around the archives room. This is where they store every bit of footage that they have ever recorded. They kept the more frequently used recordings on a shelf by the door for easy access. 

To the left is a picture of a film reel. This reel holds 30 Minutes of footage.      

We were then guided into the Television studio. This is the studio used for the Broadcasting of the North East's Local News Programme. All the walls and even the floor were sound proof. We were then guided onto the set. We were then being told about how the recording of the Live News broadcast works and we were aloud to sit in the newsreaders chairs for photos. That is me in the Picture Below. 

While in there, we were told some facts about the studio and given a little bit of History about this particular Studio. We were told that The Television Series, 'Biker Grove' was filmed in this very studio. We were then told about the equipment. If yo look up, you could see 70 very powerful lights. The reason their were so many lights was because when they are all on, they eliminate, or minimise the amount of shadows you can see on camera. We were then pointed towards the Cameras. The cameras had an 'Auto-cue' system which the Newsreader had to control themselves with a foot pedel placed just under the desk. While The tour guides were talking about the Auto-cue, one of the Presenters came in and began talking to us about his job, and shared some stories about some of the things he has had to do in his job. 


Tuesday 14 January 2014



For my Arts Award Project, i am going to make a Claymation. It will be linked with another animation project that i am currently working on. It will be the same or at least very similar to one another. 
The animation is about a friendly blue blob thing that gets attacked by a small green blob, and then itself turns into a 'zombie like' creature which cause havoc. 

Some of the props and pieces of equipment i may need are:
  • Modelling Clay (Plasticine)
  • Specific background images. (If needed)
  • iMovie
  • Garage Band
  • Photoshop
  • Matchbox size children's toys (Eg, Cars and Lego?)       
  • Light (lighting effects).  
  • Camera
  • iStopMotion

    The inspiration for this idea was this YouTube Video below. 

My Animation most likely will have some kind of similarities to the one above, so i am going to make sure that i don't copy it or make it too similar. If i were to make mine very similar or nearly the same, it wouldn't seem right, and it would completely lack any kind of creativity.   

These images below are some of the things i have made at some point out of Modelling clay/plasticine.