Tuesday 11 February 2014

Animation update

Today i started my animation. This animation will be used for not just for my Silver Arts Award, but for my Creative Project as well.
After building the set exactly how i wanted it, i set-up the camera, to make sure that the angles were going to work how i wanted them. I then began animating. I only got around 3 and a half seconds complete as shown in the video to the right here. This had taken me around 15 minutes at most to animate and the video when completed will probably be around the 1 minute mark, probably a little less.
I hope to get this finished within 3-4 weeks, and will hopefully then start the editing at that point which should not need too much work done to it.                

Tuesday 4 February 2014

Arts Award Update

I have finally got the backgrounds complete and have started printing them out. I am almost completely ready to start Animating.

Monday 3 February 2014

Planning For Animation

To be able to start the animation process, i first need to plan and create everything i will need, as well as getting used to the software i will be using.
First off, i need to come up with a story and characters. It doesn't have to be a story as such, but as long as something is planned, and i am able to create it with the basic tools and equipment that are available to me. To help me come up with a story, i will watch some tv animations and go on YouTube.com, to watch other people's homemade animations, and claymation's. I hope that doing this will give me some kind of idea as to what could happen in my animation. 

I will have to make sure that whatever tools and equipment i need will be available to me if and when i need them. 

After the planning of my story, i will now need to create the character models. I may want to plan what they look like before hand however, i might just try and make anything and see what i can come up with. I feel that if i just make the characters as i go instead of planning their appearance then trying to replicate it, may be too difficult as i don't have much practice or experience. 

Once the characters have been made, i will begin to create the 'set'. I will either take pictures myself, or just go onto 'Google Earth' and take screenshots of real places to use as backdrop. I may also edit some in Adobe Photoshop. I will only do this if i feel i can make a particular background look better.     

After preparing the characters and the sets, i will then begin to animate. I will Animate using some software called, 'iStopMotion'. I should at this stage already have a good idea about what the finished product will look like, but there could be some last minute changes if needs be. Animating could take a few hours collectively, and even longer f there are any problems, so i must plan for the inevitable. 

After everything is filmed, i will need to edit this. I will edit this in 'Adobe Premier', because it is a good piece of software and i could use some practice with it. The editing will include adding titles and credits, and finding or making any sound effects and/or music that i might need. I could either download and copyright free music and sound effects or attempt to create my own. This will depend on how much time i have when i am editing. 

I will then need to export my animation, and have it reviewed by my peers. After this i will complete a written evaluation on the work i produced.