Tuesday 25 March 2014

Unit 2 Arts Leadership

For the next unit, i am going to be doing animation, again. Will will be doing this Second Animation Project with Jack Simpson, and Declan Bailey. We will each be taking up our own jobs in which we are going to be in charge of a particular aspect of the overall Project.
Declan said he would like to work creating and designing the clay models and backgrounds. Jack Said he would be happy to edit the finished video. While that leaves me with the actual Animating. 
Although we are all in charge of these particular aspects of the Animation, we can all do a bit of each other's work. 

Model Making and Designing - This job requires an understanding of how plasticine works, and the different ways you can make whatever you want with it. You need to understand how the 'crafting' works when making a clay model.      
Editor - The editor Must be able to collect all footage and edit it into a masterpiece, or at least a decent(ish) film. As this is an Animation however, there won't be too much that needs cutting. It will be more of a adding effects, sounds and anything else that needs touched up.   

Animator -  An animator is the person in charge of the actual animating. A typical animation tends to be 24 frames per second. You take a picture every frame moving the object just a small amount, then after a while when you play it back, it should look very smooth and you can watch it come to life.          

The particular skills I would like to develop myself through being the animator for this project are being able to time each frame correctly. If you don't time each frame properly, the finished product could either look too slow or really 'jittery'. Either way it won't look very professional.
I would also like to improve on my model making. Although Model making is not strictly an animators job, they may have to do quick fixes or repair a model if something goes wrong. 

Tuesday 11 March 2014

Animation Update 11/03

I have Filmed more of my Animation today. You can view it below.

I Think somebody has been tampering with my plasticine models in the past week, because one of them was 'dirty' looking and had strange marks all over it. This meant i had to do my best to fix it quickly and try, get some animation done.
Although there weren't any network errors this week, i was still having problems with the istopmotion Software.
As this is my Arts Award, i think i may have enough animation for this project. But i must still continue with my animation, as it is being used in my other project.

A review of this Project will follow Shortly.

Thursday 6 March 2014

Animation Update 4/03 - 6/03

Today i got another 15 Seconds completed of Animation. Here is the video below.

As you can see, it looks a little rough, and without sound, it is certainly missing something. I plan to re-shoot some of this as it looks a little too rough for my liking. But overall i am happy with the progress i am making with this project. 
Last week i had completed little to no work at all, because the Apple Mac Computers were not working properly. Despite them not working too well this week either, i was able to work around it (just), and get something completed. I am hoping to finish the animating process within a 3-4 Weeks. I will then be able to get on with the editing and begin my evaluation of this project.