Tuesday 29 April 2014

Animation Project

Today we finished off creating the sets and began to animate. We decided to make the vehicle out of Modelling clay in the end, because we thought it would be easier to animate with, and of course it looked in the same kind of style as the Clay Blob.                    
We have completely finished the animation process in just a couple of hours. All there is left to do is to edit the animation. Meaning we are going to add some sound effects, and add a title.

Here is the video below. 

And below are some more photos of the 'Set'. 

Tuesday 22 April 2014

Animation Group Project Update.

In just a couple of hours we have come up with a decent idea for a quick animation, made the models and got the background sorted. We will soon be ready to animate.

This is the background that is going to be used.

Animation Ideas/brief

For this Project, we will all have our different roles for this project. This means we will all have some responsibility and all have to work together. I have the responsibility of animating. Declan Bailey is in charge of making the models, and Jack Simpson is in charge of the editing.
Of course, just because we are in charge of our own areas, we can still help each other with other pieces of work. I for instance could help with the model making or set designing etc.

The actual animation will be promoting 'The Silver Arts Award'. The idea is as follows; We don't want to make something too long, so we are looking at no longer than 20 seconds. We are going to be promoting the silver arts award. It will start with a man walking down a road. He will be walking across the street when suddenly he will get run over by a car or a bulldozer. He will get completely flattened and when he comes out the other side of the vehicle it will spell 'Arts Award' where his body would normally be. It could be set out like a bit of a 'sting' similar to what you might find before a television programme on Channel 4.  

Monday 21 April 2014

Planning Practical Issues

For this animation, we thought it would be best to keep it very simple. This is because if it is simple, it will be easy to make as well as look good.  As we couldn't think of a really good idea, we decided to try and advertise the Arts Award in a funny kind of maner.
We are thinking of the idea of having a small blob crossing the road. While Crossing he gets hit by a vehicle. His Squashed body on the floor then spells, "Arts Award". The real Arts Award logo will then fade into view.

The Software I am going to need to use below.

  • Adobe Photoshop - Photoshop is a sophisticated programme which is used to edit photos and images. I am going to use this to edit some of the background images and the road that could be used in the animation.    
  • IStopMotion 3 - IStopMotion 3 is a decent piece of Software which is used to make short films using the 'Stop-Motion' technique. Stop-Motion is a way of creating films by taking many pictures. You combine these photos together and play them back and you will be watching a movie.    
  • Adobe Premier - Adobe Premier is a Very Sophisticated Video editing programme. We will use this for adding a title to the video and to add in sound effects.