Tuesday 26 November 2013

Research into Animation.

There are different types of styles and methods included in Animation. Each individual style tends to be filmed using different methods to create different effects, and create a certain atmosphere.
For these different types of animations, you could use different materials.
E.g. Clay, Cut-Out, shadow/Silhouette, 2D Drawing and more. 
For my Animation, i am going to use Modelling Clay. I have made this decision because i think it will be good to be able to create something out of Modelling Clay.

Tuesday 19 November 2013

Research into Media.

There are different types of Film and Animation. You can get Clay Animation (ClayMation), cut-out, 3D, cellular, and more. With film the only different types are really just different styles of filming. Different types of filming, this creates different effects for the audience. If you want to create a suspenseful moment or scene, you would film with certain technique to allow that effect to get across to the audience.

Some of the biggest and most well known Clay Animations are shows like Wallace and Gromit, and Morph. Both made by Aardman Studios, these are both animations filmed using clay, and Stop-Motion Techniques. Stop-Motion is a form of animation and can be used almost anywhere. Whether you are filming clay, card cut-outs or real people, stop motion can work incredibly well.

Today in my blog i have begun research into film and animation, talking about different techniques of filming and animating. And have gone through my previous post 'Challenge and Action Plan.'

Tuesday 22 October 2013

Challenge and Action Plan.

For my Silver Arts award i have Decided to focus on Film and Animation. I have a good interest in both sections of Media and would like to learn more about the creation of great Films and Animations. I understand that there are different ways of filming something depending on the scene and/or sequences of events. I am more interested in the Directing and Editing sides of things when it comes down to Filming or Animating. I like being able to put my own idea down and having something shot and edited exactly how i want. The Editing process is very important to get right. If you edit something wrong, it could change the whole effect or feeling the director may be trying to create in a scene; and if this happens in a vital scene, then you could change the feeling of the whole film.

I think some of the things i need to learn and improve on are; Understanding and learning how to use different styles and methods of filming for different types of Movies or Films. Such as thinking, how to film something to get the effect right and how to film in a certain way for different types of movies. Like the difference between Comedy and Horrors, to Documentaries and Thrillers. You would film with at least slightly different methods with each genre of Movie or Show because you're trying to get different effects and send different messages to the audience.

I also feel that i should learn a little more about cameras and all the different settings they have and why they are used. I don't feel that i am too bad with this as i definitely have a great interest on cameras, i just feel that i should learn more.

I would like to research more into animation. Again, i have a great interest in this form of film and media, but feel that i should learn more and try and improve on my actual animation and artistic skills, and my overall creativity. If i focus on animation, i feel it can only help these skills improve. I will still be getting experience with camera work and practice at directing my own small film, but i will also be getting good practice at trying to build an animation set and some small, 'to scale' clay models for those sets. But as i am focusing on animation, i will also have to learn how to time things correctly when filming. This is because when you are animating, you are filming one single frame at a time. If i move the object i am animating too much on one frame or over a collection of frames, the smoothness of the final product will not look very professional and it probably won't be very nice to view.                               

Tuesday 1 October 2013


Paper Plane Crash. 



After much discussion, we decided to make paper planes and film them crashing. Here are the results.

As you can see, they were filmed rather quickly and with NOO Planning whatsoever. 

If i could do filming again i would but only if it was planned properly and there was some actual point behind it. 

Tuesday 24 September 2013

The Escape of the Vegetables.

Today i made a small animation about a group of vegetables that had a plan. Their plan was to escape the wrath of the plate.
Here is the video:

It is unfinished as we ran out of time. I was wanting to add something at the end like someone picking up a fork and stabbing the carrot. We also didn't have the time to add any sound or an opening title. It would have been much better had we finished. I was hoping to make a funny-horror of the carrot's death while escaping the plate.

I enjoy animations and have a great interest in this form of media and always have.  
It would be good to do this more often and get more practice.

Tuesday 17 September 2013

Digital Imaging

The Arts Award was worked on by me and another class mate. We chose the movie to use on the poster; And we decided which filters and colours we should use and which would look best and give a certain effect for the poster. In the write up i wrote paragraphs 4 and 5 as that was the main part of my work in the group. 
Overall, i think we both feel that the poster looks good. We feel the effects work well and give it more of a rustic look about it. It's a good combination of colours and we feel it looks good. It was made in a quicker time than you might think. James came up with the basis of the poster, while we both discussed how it would look together and if it did look a bit off, we would ask ourselves how we could change it to give it more of a 'smooth' look. We wanted to make sure that colours would work together well so we had to make sure it had a smooth transition between colours, instead of just two different colours placed together. That is why we used a 'musty' looking filter.  
Overall, it's a good poster and it looks good. I feel it fits the film well and has a dramatic look about it. If i would change anything, it would be the colour transition between the two main pictures in the background, but it's not really a problem.  