Thursday 12 June 2014

Arts Leadership Review.

For this Group Project, we had to work in groups and create anything we wanted as long as it was some form of media, so that could be posters, shorts film, animation website etc.
For this Arts Leadership project, me, Jack Simpsons and Declan Bailey decided to work together. We decided to create an Animation together because we felt there would be plenty to do and we all have experience from creating animations in the past so it all worked out rather well.

At first we struggled to come up with an idea for the animation so we decided that we would Promote the Arts award project itself. We could have made it as long as we wanted but realistically, we weren't going to get more than 20-30 seconds out of it at best. The Animating would be created in iStopMotion and edited in Adobe Premier. Because we were just advertising the Arts Award Project, we wanted to keep it short and simple. I then came up with the idea of have a man crossing the road when suddenly, he gets hit by a vehicle. His splattered body on the floor would spell out the words 'Arts Award'. Then that would be the end. Jack and Declan both liked this idea so we began planning. While Declan started making the Clay Models, me and Jack began making the 'sets'. I helped make one of the models as well. After everything was set up, i began animating while Jack and Declan helped take pictures of some of the Frames.
Then of course after i finished animating, i then passed on all the footage to Jack who began Editing in Adobe Premier.   

I'll be honest, i can't really think of a single moment where something went wrong during this project. The only problem really was the fact that none of us were particularly 'savy' with using the Adobe Premier editing software. As i said, everything seemed to go right for us and ran very smooth and we sailed straight through the whole process. The longest part was really just writing everything down in the planning stages and even doing this review feels more time consuming.   

Overall i feel we all worked very well and efficiently. We worked well as a team and got everything completed in a much quicker time then i think any of us really expected.

Working with Jack was good, we both got on well and he worked well when he built the sets. I think we both worked well together and had good communication as we were both aware of what each other were doing and when and why we were doing those particular jobs at that time.
And it was the same story with Declan. I helped make some of the Clay models with him and we both worked well together because we also had good communication, so we knew which models to make ourselves so we won't both making the same ones as each other. I would happily work with both of them again if the opportunity come about in the future.  

Everything seemed to go right in this project and in the end, i am satisfied with the final product.       

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