Wednesday 11 June 2014

Review of the arts award project

Here you can watch my completed Animation before I decide to review the project.

For this project i had to create anything i wanted from any form of media as long as it showed off some 'skills' and it proves that you can do that form of media. I decided to pick animation because i have a great interest in the subject and would like to learn more. I enjoy animation and expected to do quite well. Although things look good now it's finished, during the production period there were plenty of problems that needed to be dealt with. I put most of them down to poor planning on my side, however there were a couple of problems which were out of my control.    

Some of the problems as previously mentioned were my fault due to poor planning, but the issues that Weren't my fault were the most frustrating. There was a problem with many of the computers that i needed to use to create my animation and complete my project. This set me back a couple of weeks as the problems were rather prolonged and didn't disappear quickly. Then not too long after, some of my Clay models were damaged by someone, that set me back another week because i needed to make some quick repairs and fix everything that had been damaged and broken. Then on top of that i needed to recreate part of my set because the way i had it planned wasn't going to work out too well. 
The other problems that i encountered were caused by poor planning and my miss-judgement. I told myself that i would have the animation completed within a certain time, after the pre-production work of course; i would then have more then enough time to complete other work. However, i did not plan for any problems, I completely miss-judged how long it would take me to finish my pre-production work, and i maybe spent a little too long animating the actual animation. 

Some of the things which went well was the actual animating. I really enjoy creating the characters and seeing them come alive on screen after i begin animating them. I feel i have improved on my model making and think i have greatly improved on my animating. I like to think i get the correlation between how much you need to move an object per frame and the amount of FPS (Frames Per Second) correct, or at least smooth looking which is what you want.  

Overall i am happy with the outcome. I will take this as a learning experience as to how much i need to plan ahead to make sure everything gets completed efficiently and on time as well as looking good. Despite all of the problems, i feel the finished product looks rather nice and am happy with how it  has turned out. Again, i just need to plan for the 'unexpected'.           


  1. I like the animation and good review. I like the structure you done for your review for your Arts Award Project. I also really liked because you took your time with it and it turned out to be an brilliant Animation
