Wednesday 11 June 2014

Job Opportunities at the BBC.

At the BBC and other similar companies, You can get different types of jobs with different qualifications. With some jobs, you don't need to have any qualifications at all. For example, You can start out as a runner. 

Being a runner, you don't need any qualifications or experience. Being a runner is like getting experience, but you're being paid for it. I say this because when you are a runner you can be told to do any spare job or help out with any other jobs that need an extra pair of hands. From being a runner, you can work your way up into the kind of job you are wanting. But you must be willing, confident and be well presented. You may have to work long hours and probably won't earn too much. (Around £400 for a 48 hour week). 

To become part of a camera crew, you will need to go to university or have good experience. Being apart of a camera crew is not necessarily just using cameras. You will be looking after lighting and other pieces of equipment needed for filming. It is probably preferred if you have good experience and a good portfolio built up to show that your skills would be well used at the BBC. 

You could start doing some work experience with the BBC and if you work well, their may be a chance that you could be offered a job or some kind of placement such as a trainee. You can enter a trainee scheme on multiple parts of Co-operation; from the Technology and business sides of things, to the Production and journalism jobs. And of course, if you do well again, you could be offered a full time placement. If not, then the experience could help you get a job elsewhere.  Many of the BBC's trainee scheme do offer some amount of pay but of course it gives you the experience of working for a big co-operation and will look good for future reference.  

Working hours will be similar to that of a normal fulltime worker. But your responsibilities will be different depending on what kind of scheme you are completing.

What i have learnt from this research is the kind of things i need to do for certain jobs. If i am wanting a job at the BBC or another TV company I could apply for an internship and get some work experience. If this all works out well, i could then potentially get an offer to stay on and work for the BBC or another TV company. However, you are more likely to go further if you, after college went to University as this would look better for you and would certainly help your chances about getting a job in a specific part of the media sector. 

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